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  • Чемпионат Европы отложен из-за Короновируса

Чемпионат Европы отложен из-за Короновируса

Министерство Спорта и Здравоохранения Турции приняло решение отменить 80 мероприятий в марте и апреле, в том числе и Чемпионат Европы по Киокусинкай.

The Ministry of Sport and Health, Turkey have today held an emergency meeting regarding the Coronavirus. They have decided to cancel 80 events being held during March and April, in particular indoor and youth events.

It is, therefore, with deep regret that the European Championship due to be held in Istanbul between 26-30 March is having to be ‘postponed’ not canceled.
We know this is very disappointing as it was due to be a great event.
We hope by postponing the event people will be able to re-arrange their flights at a minimal cost. Deposits etc, already paid will be carried forward to the new date. Obviously, everything is in place eg. Trophies, t-shirts

At this stage, we are still awaiting confirmation from the hotels on a new date.

Regarding the age categories, anyone already officially entered on the event website will compete in the category they were originally entered into. Any new entries will have to be within the category for their age on the day of the event.

We apologize to you all but obviously, this is all out of hands. — #regrann

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